
Seminar on how to run an anti-pesticide campaign in Ottawa. The seminar is free, but a donation would be very welcome.

9:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks by John Stone of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

10:00 – 10:30

Break into discussion groups. Choose one of:

1. How to run an internet campaign will provide step-by-step instructions and discuss the costs and advantages.
2. How to connect with the media with Jeff Froggett, with the Canadian Cancer Society and a former journalist, will provide strategies one can use to connect with media, such as how to cultivate a relationship with a reporter and communication techniques.
3. The Power of One with Ann Coffey will talk on big and small projects undertaken, the challenges encountered and how they were overcome.

10:40 – 11:10

Break into discussion groups. Choose one of:

1. How to address school councils and parents with Trustee Jennifer Mackenzie will outline the steps one must take, and to get materials distributed at the schools.
2. How to connect with a politician and conduct an effective phone call, will be given by Councillor Alex Cullen.
3. Stuart Hickox with Project Porchlight will talk about the planning, execution and challenges of Project Porchlight.

11:20 – 12 noon


12 noon – 1:00 p.m.

Xeriscape with horticulturist Mary Anne Jackson-Hughes. As we become more aware of the environment and our need to conserve water, xeriscaping will show how water can be used efficiently while creating a lush and colourful pesticide free garden.

Thank you and we hope to see you Saturday.

Pesticide Campaign 2007 Strategy Team

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