
One week to go!

It’s May 4, and we have got everything pretty much ready to go for the Mother’s Day River Cleanup. We did get some help, though, and we owe a big thank you to the following organizations:

  • Monterey Inn Resort, who are providing us with more of the lunch packs that were so popular last year;
  • the City of Ottawa, who are providing cleaning supplies, and whose 2006 environmental grant has paid for some really sharp T-shirts and tote bags to give away to Cleanup volunteers;
  • Bridgehead Coffeehouse, who are donating coffee to keep the volunteers going;
  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, who are sending canoes to join the cleanup effort; and
  • the New Edinburgh Community Alliance, who are contributing to running costs

It looks like being a great event on May 11, keep your fingers crossed for a sunny day!

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